Southport Automotive Service Blog

How To Recycle Car Parts And Which Ones


Whether you’re someone who hates throwing things out or you’re the type of person to enjoy a nice DIY project, your car might be a great place to draw some inspiration from -- and use parts! In addition to a number of environmental benefits that come from recycling car parts, there are actually a few [...]

How To Recycle Car Parts And Which Ones2019-12-09T07:22:17-07:00

Cars That Cost The Most To Maintain


In a world where everything costs money, your car is a great investment for many reasons -- provided you actually take care of it! That’s right, the amount of money you have to spend on upkeep ultimately starts with how well you’re maintaining it, and driving it on a daily basis. While most cars all [...]

Cars That Cost The Most To Maintain2019-12-09T07:21:45-07:00

Why Is My Steering Wheel Shaking?


Driving down the road with a shaking steering wheel is likely one of the scariest things to happen -- and sure enough, it can happen at any time. While most of the time this is due to an uneven road or an abundance of bumps, there may also be present issues with your car that [...]

Why Is My Steering Wheel Shaking?2019-12-09T07:21:30-07:00

When Should I Switch Tires?


There comes a time during the year where either your summer tires no longer are a viable option, or the lack of tread on your current tires become way too low. With tires being one of the most important components of your vehicle, it’s never a good idea to run incorrect rubber, or a set [...]

When Should I Switch Tires?2019-12-09T07:21:23-07:00

What To Do If You Get A Rock Chip


Driving along the highway is usually a carefree process, involving not much more than attention to the road signs and traffic around you. But what starts off as a casual drive can always be altered with events that are out of your control. Most notably, flying debris on the road. After high winds, precipitation, or [...]

What To Do If You Get A Rock Chip2019-12-09T07:21:38-07:00

The Severity Of Leaks In Your Exhaust


As the owner of a car, adverse effects caused by the elements, or even the age of your vehicle, can seem detrimental. It’s important that not only are you always remaining vigilant to any changes that seem out of the ordinary, but you’re also monitoring how your car performs after. Specifically below, we’ll dive into [...]

The Severity Of Leaks In Your Exhaust2019-09-06T07:49:14-07:00

Why Are Certain Areas Of My Car ‘Wet’?


Owning your own car is sometimes a second job within itself. Between keeping it clean, paying for gas, and making sure your maintenance is up to date, a vehicle can become a pretty large part of your daily life on a consistent basis. Within this maintenance aspect, there may be a point in which you [...]

Why Are Certain Areas Of My Car ‘Wet’?2019-09-06T07:50:13-07:00

What Is Ceramic Coating?


If you’re someone who’s owned a car for years now, or you’ve purchased a used one before, you know that keeping something clean after a long period of time can be tiresome, and it can be a bit harder to do as time goes on. For many, the rising technology of hydrophobic coatings has become [...]

What Is Ceramic Coating?2019-08-19T17:49:41-07:00
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