Southport Automotive Service Blog

What Do Fluid Colors Mean?


Have you heard the horror stories about the people who have poured antifreeze into their engine, or brake fluid into the radiator? While this might seem like a far-fetched fantasy, it really does happen! And of course, there are a ton of things that can go wrong when working on a car. But precision is [...]

What Do Fluid Colors Mean?2019-04-23T11:04:16-07:00

The Best Tires For Your Car Explained


Walking into a tire shop is sometimes a bit overwhelming. Even if you order online, there are a ton of factors that go into ordering the right rubber for your car. If you’re in need of tires, there are some things to look out for before you pull the trigger on a new set. First, [...]

The Best Tires For Your Car Explained2019-03-12T13:15:55-07:00

What’s That Suspension Noise?


Sometimes, it feels like there’s always a noise occurring with cars — especially when it can’t be properly diagnosed. In most cases, there are a number of things to think about, and one is where it’s coming from. If you’re hearing specific noises while you’re going over bumps and dips in the road, your suspension [...]

What’s That Suspension Noise?2019-05-24T09:53:55-07:00

Showing Love To Your Car With Maintenance


This Valentine’s Day, make sure you’re giving back to those who help make your life easier on a daily basis. In addition to your family and friends, there’s one other thing that does that as well — your car! Every now and again, your car needs a little TLC to get running to its optimal [...]

Showing Love To Your Car With Maintenance2019-04-23T11:03:40-07:00

How To Prevent Icy Accidents This Winter


Driving during the winter is a very different experience when compared to driving in the summer. While most drivers may not consider the changes, there are a number of factors that alter the driving experience when temperatures begin to drop. While some are minor, it’s also important to take note of what is changing in [...]

How To Prevent Icy Accidents This Winter2019-01-31T13:00:13-07:00

Why Is My Steering So Shaky?


During the winter months, our cars take a beating both inside and out. Based on the nature of the season, salt, snow and ice can be a huge cause for damage, corrosion, and general wear and tear. Because this is so prominent in terms of your car’s mechanical function, it’s important to call it out [...]

Why Is My Steering So Shaky?2019-01-31T13:02:10-07:00

Best Winter Maintenance Tips


It’s just as important during the winter that you maintain routine checkups and inspections of your car and its internal parts. Cold weather has certainly been tied to specific issues that can arise with many cars, and many of these issues can be prevented with proper and meticulous maintenance. Below are a few things you [...]

Best Winter Maintenance Tips2019-02-28T08:21:07-07:00

Why Isn’t My Heat Working?


When winter is in full swing, the last thing you’re going to need in the morning is a car without heat to keep you warm. The convenience feature available in almost every car on the road proves vital to anyone commuting, traveling, or just looking to keep warm. But what happens when it stops working? [...]

Why Isn’t My Heat Working?2019-04-23T11:03:34-07:00

Unique Gifts For Car Owners


  As the holidays draw near, the mad rush for package delivery and gift-giving gets even more hectic as the hours pass. For some, giving gifts is extremely easy, and many friends and family members are easy to shop for. Sometimes however, finding the right gift for a family member is less than easy -- [...]

Unique Gifts For Car Owners2018-12-20T15:17:24-07:00
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