Even if you’re not the most apt at fixing your own car, there will be a time in your life where tools will need to be used, and you’re going to be the person who needs to use those tools. As such, it’s important to not only own, but familiarize yourself with the arsenal of steel in your drawer, and know that if the time comes, there’s someone who can use them to get a job done. Below are a few tools to think about learning how to use!

Most cars are held together in many places by bolts, nuts and screws. When you need to loosen or fix something, a ratchet is one of the best things you can use to do so. These devices are designed in a way to allow you to tighten and loosen with the flick of a switch, and provide great power through torque to get things on and off. Available in a number of sizes, most of the sizes you’ll need include drives of ¼ inch, ⅜ inch, and ½ inch. Socket sizes range as well, so it’s best to get a metric and an SAE set just to be safe.
Impact Gun/Drill
For some harder to crack bolts, or to drill holes, an impact gun or drill is something to keep close by too. An impact gun usually does a better job at getting wheel bolts off, whereas a drill can help you get screws and torx bolts out quicker than a ratchet or a handheld driver. Both of these can be purchased with electric hookups, battery operation, or for the impact gun, connected to an air line and operate on compressed air. Play around with these as one day, it might make your life that much easier!
Floor Jack/Stands
If you ever plan on working on your car at home, a weight bearing jack and a set of stands is imperative for the job. Make sure these stands are of good quality and can support the weight of your vehicle. Additionally, make sure the jack you’re using is low enough to fit under the car, and has the strength to jack your car up safely, and hold it there while you align the stands underneath.
If you need expert service on your car that requires tools you don’t have, make sure to head somewhere trustworthy and with experience, to ensure your car is getting the best possible treatment.
Southport Automotive is Fairfield County’s premier service station for all things Automotive. In business since 1981, we’ve helped get thousands of Connecticut residents back on the road faster, and for longer. To learn more about how we can help your vehicle stay in its best shape, please give us a call at 203-259-3839. For more tips and tricks, make sure to like us on Facebook!