The chalkboard screeching sound that sometimes pierces the ears of those within earshot is, without a doubt, an unfavorable experience. This type of annoyance is doubled when it comes from a vehicle you’re driving, and when there’s little to no indication as to where it comes from. Because of these issues, it can be hard to diagnose where the issue is specifically stemming from. If you’re feeling as if you might know the answer and are open to looking, we’ve got a few ideas as to why this may be occurring in your car, and how to check.
One of the obvious places to look for many would be brake pads. If your car hasn’t been serviced in a while, and your brake pads have seen their fair share of use, they may be worn out, and in need of replacement. Because this is something hard to notice on your own, or without checking the life of the pads themselves, you can make that determination if you’re experiencing the sound when applying pressure to the brake pads. In this case, make sure you’re having it checked out as soon as possible.
In some cases, sticks and pebbles can lodge themselves into the small areas surrounding your brake and axle components, causing noises when the wheels are turned, brake pressure is applied, or when hitting bumps. Safely jack our vehicle up into the air and inspect the area for any noticeable debris. If you can remove it, do so safely and try to recreate the noise.
Old Parts
Sometimes, wheel bearings, axles, and other components lose their lubrication, and need either a replenishing, or a replacement. Because this is typically harder to diagnose, have this inspected by your local trusted mechanic who can accurately advise you on what your next best step is.
Southport Automotive is Fairfield County’s premier service station for all things Automotive. In business since 1981, we’ve helped get thousands of Connecticut residents back on the road faster, and for longer. To learn more about how we can help your vehicle stay in its best shape, please give us a call at 203-259-3839. For more tips and tricks, make sure to like us on Facebook!