Every once in a while, there are sounds that some people deem as normal, or they go away. For many car owners, this is a common occurrence that eventually gets shrugged off, however, can sometimes become a larger issue as time goes on. In many places, squeaking can be bad — and most notable, inside the wheel area. While there are a ton of parts overall within a vehicle the wheel area houses a ton of its own. Below are a few reasons as to why you might be encountering a squeak inside the wheel well.

Something In The Way

Believe it or not, something as small as a stick can get lodged in the wheel area near your axles and brakes and cause squeaking. This is sometimes noticed once it becomes totally stuck in the area, causing other moving parts to not perform as they should. Remove your wheel and inspect the area for anything in the way before thinking the worst.


Your brakes are the next most common cause of squeaking, with a number of components potentially contributing to the noise. Your brake pads and rotors can eventually wear down, which causes a metal on metal friction, thus causing a squeak. This can be measured at home with the right tools, or in as shop where the parts can be thoroughly inspected.


Due to the nature of driving a car all the time, axles can eventually be worn out and begin squeaking. Seeing as they contain a ton of lubrication, it’s not wrong to think about the possibility of them failing or making noise. Check the axle boot to see if it’s still intact with no tears and if so, also remove the clamp to inspect the inside. If you’re not able to do this on your own, it’s best to bring it to a shop and have it looked at before it becomes an issue.