Firing your car up only to see a cloud of smoke out of the back is not only embarrassing, but it also is an indication of underlying problems with your car. Many car owners think this is normal activity for cars when they start up, but that’s not the case. Obviously when it’s cold, you’ll see what might look like smoke in the air, but any other time, problems are on the horizon. Here’s a guide on what a different colored smoke means for your car.


Looking at a light blue cloud of smoke might seem cool, but it’s also an indication of problems looming inside the car. This is typically an indication of burning oil within the combustion chamber, leaking valve seals, piston rings, or an issue with your PCV system. While these might seem major, they’re not as bad as you might think, but should be immediately addressed before they turn into something bad.

Black Smoke

One of the most noticeable colors of smoke, black can indicate a number of issues within your car. This is typically caused by leaking fuel injectors, a stuck fuel pressure regulator, or an issue with your fuel return. While this doesn’t affect the motor as directly as one might think, it does aid in the deterioration of your fuel system and wastes gas. Have this looked at to return to your normal fuel consumption range.

White/Grey Smoke

One of the harder ones to diagnose, white or grey smoke can mean a number of things as well. This can be caused by the cylinder head, engine block head gasket and more. This ranges from blown gaskets, crack in the engine block or cylinder head, which is a major issue that needs to be addressed. You might be able to go on without issue for a short period of time, but cracks in anything will always eventually get bigger, which can lead to costly repairs down the line.


If you’re seeing colorful exhaust colors, it’s important to have it looked at and fixed early on before the issue happens again. Should you take it anywhere, make sure your automotive tech can properly diagnose and fix the issue right the first time.


Southport Automotive is Fairfield County’s premier service station for all things Automotive. In business since 1981, we’ve helped get thousands of Connecticut residents back on the road faster, and for longer. To learn more about how we can help your vehicle stay in its best shape, please give us a call at 203-259-3839. For more tips and tricks, make sure to like us on Facebook!