Southport Automotive Service Blog

Why Does My Car Squeak When It’s Colder?


One of the last things anyone wants to do when it’s cold is go outside, and battle nippy winds, snow, and thin air -- but at times, we have no choice! Even worse, getting into your car before it’s warmed up can be just as bad, as your seats are cold, and the engine needs [...]

Why Does My Car Squeak When It’s Colder?2018-12-19T15:00:19-07:00

Do I Need To Let My Car Warm Up In The Winter?


  As winter approaches, it’s harder and harder to convince yourself to get out of your home a few minutes early to go sit into a cold car and wait for it to warm up before you leave. Most of us are sometimes guilty of getting into the car, firing it up, and leaving to [...]

Do I Need To Let My Car Warm Up In The Winter?2018-12-10T15:23:45-07:00

Cold Weather Essentials To Keep In Your Car


With cold weather here to stay for the next few months, it’s important to understand that in many cases, preparation is one of the most important things to think about now. When it comes to your vehicle and how you can be prepared for inclement weather, there are a number of essentials that should find [...]

Cold Weather Essentials To Keep In Your Car2018-11-26T13:47:25-07:00

My Car Won’t Go into 4WD. What Is The Problem?


  The struggle of colder weather is when you’re on a terrain that warrants more than two wheels to get going, and your car is struggling to do that. For newer cars with AWD, this is usually just a reaction by the car’s computer when it notices it needs more wheelpower, and it simply engages. [...]

My Car Won’t Go into 4WD. What Is The Problem?2018-11-21T12:35:07-07:00

Why Are My Car Wheels Tilted?


  From the factory, your car is dialed into a number of different specifications that deem it road-worthy and able to operate as it should. This involves everything from engine compression to suspension components and operating temperatures. However depending on a number of factors, specifically in your suspension area, a number of things can become [...]

Why Are My Car Wheels Tilted?2018-10-24T12:52:09-07:00

How Can I Tell If My Car is Rusting?


    The last thing someone needs with their car is corrosion -- and for older cars (and some new), this is all too apparent to have at some point. However sometimes, there isn’t a clear-cut distinction of rust occurring, and these issues may only be pointed out by someone who can detect it. As [...]

How Can I Tell If My Car is Rusting?2018-09-18T13:13:30-07:00

Foolproof Way To Get Rid of Cigarette Smell In Your Car


Whether it’s a used car you’ve just purchased, or you forgot that you weren’t supposed to do it, having cigarette smell in your car isn’t the best thing to have to endure every time you get inside. While it’s been said that removing the smell is impossible, there are ways to do it -- you [...]

Foolproof Way To Get Rid of Cigarette Smell In Your Car2018-08-24T12:32:29-07:00

How To Refill Washer Fluid


Your line of sight while driving is very important, which is why all cars today are equipped with washer fluid nozzles and wipers! These small additions to cars prove to be imperative to driving, allowing them to increase visibility and give you a bit more coverage on the road (with headlight washers). But when the [...]

How To Refill Washer Fluid2018-08-20T08:57:25-07:00
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