Southport Automotive Service Blog

3 Signs You Might Need New Brakes


Unless you know exactly what to look for, it’s easy to overlook your brakes and when they’re due to be changed. Because there’s emphasis on how important they are as a safety component, it is somewhat important to have them looked at every now and again. Brake pads can last you thousands of miles, but [...]

3 Signs You Might Need New Brakes2017-11-01T12:52:00-07:00

3 Things You Didn’t Know You Needed In Your Car


Being prepared in the car is something that almost every vehicle owner should be doing, regardless of the situation, or where you’re going. Whether something happens to you, or you feel like being a good samaritan and helping someone out on the side of the road, it’s important to have what you need. That’s why [...]

3 Things You Didn’t Know You Needed In Your Car2017-09-20T07:02:48-07:00

3 Ways To Prep Your Car For Fall and Winter


With fall on the way, there's a lot of things to prepare for. One thing is certain -- your car is going to need more than just gas and a car wash to run properly. Especially for older cars, maintenance is important to note when the weather starts to change -- and for good reason! [...]

3 Ways To Prep Your Car For Fall and Winter2018-08-29T08:23:21-07:00

How To Remove Your Car Tire In 8 Easy Steps


Whether it’s a roadside flat or you’re just checking on the internals of your vehicle, changing a tire isn’t always easy work. And while there might be other options as to how you might be able to diagnose an issue, sometimes doing it right in your driveway is the better option — and it can [...]

How To Remove Your Car Tire In 8 Easy Steps2017-09-10T11:50:18-07:00

The Importance Of Oil Levels


The oil in your car acts similarly to the blood in your veins — and without it, your car, just like you, wouldn’t be alive and well! It’s important to understand the vital role that oil plays, but the meticulous care that should be done to keep it going. We’ve given you a brief rundown [...]

The Importance Of Oil Levels2018-01-23T12:40:41-07:00

3 Must Know Car Washing Tips


A nice sunny weekend day is the perfect atmosphere to pull out the hose and soap, and give your car a bath. With a bit of water and a sponge, your car seems to transform from dirty to brand new in a matter of minutes! But what many people don’t know is that there’s actually [...]

3 Must Know Car Washing Tips2017-08-14T13:51:37-07:00

Suspension Guide: When To Replace?


The suspension in your car is something that, while even though you can’t readily see it from every angle, still works 24/7 to ensure you’re both comfortable and safe. But what many vehicle owners don’t know is that every once in awhile, that suspension does need changing and replacement. So, how does someone know that [...]

Suspension Guide: When To Replace?2019-01-31T13:06:42-07:00

Why You Need Routine Car Maintenance


It’s important to understand that a car is more than an item that gets you from point A to point B — and with good reason, more time should be invested in making sure that it stays that way! But what type of work helps prolong the life of your car, and how can you [...]

Why You Need Routine Car Maintenance2019-01-31T13:05:50-07:00

Tire Rotation: Things You Need To Know


The last thing you need on the road is a worn out tire, or less than ideal gas mileage — or worse, the need for a new set of tires way before you should! Routine maintenance comes in all shapes and sizes, and needs to be performed in various places throughout your vehicle. One of [...]

Tire Rotation: Things You Need To Know2017-07-26T08:27:21-07:00

3 Things You Need In Your Car For Roadtrips


Heading out on a road trip during the summer can be a great experience for friends and family, no matter where you’re headed. The open road and wind in your hair is one of the top feelings when the weather gets warm. However what isn’t so fun, is the issue of a broken down car [...]

3 Things You Need In Your Car For Roadtrips2019-01-31T13:03:15-07:00
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